Bhopal. The time is coming for shocking revelations in the most high profile honey trap case of Madhya Pradesh. The SIT has started its investigation. On the first day of the investigation, about 4,000 files were found from seized laptops and mobile phones. These include screenshots of porn chats, pornographic footage of officers, videos of compromising officers and audio clips. These clips include a large number of alleged bureaucrats, ministers and former MPs.
May be the country's largest scandal
On Wednesday, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) started its investigation. Team president Sanjeev Shami has been made. It is believed that as the investigation progresses, it could be the country's biggest sex scandal. Forensic experts are constantly investigating the seized laptops and mobile phones, so far 4 thousand video and audio clips can be extracted from the honeytrap. Officials said the list of digital files could soon reach 5,000.
Rich club's check-in register missing
Investigations have also revealed that blackmailer women used to visit the club of the rich in Bhopal. Rooms were booked for them there. It is being told that the check-in registers of these clubs are now missing and attempts are being made to manipulate other records which have photographs of these girls. HoneyTrap has an endless list of top leaders from senior bureaucrats to junior project engineers, BJP and Congress.